Parent/Guardian Referral
If a parent/guardian feels a child’s needs are not being met through classroom differentiation then a referral should be made for additional enrichment services.
- A parent/guardian may refer students for consideration for intensive enrichment services at any time by contacting the classroom teacher or school principal.
Staff Member Referral
If a staff member feels a child’s needs are not being through classroom differentiation then a referral should be made for additional enrichment services.
- Any staff member can initiate a referral at any time.
- The referring staff member should notify the parent/guardian that a referral has been made.
Universal Screener (First Grade)
A universal screening process will be conducted at the first grade level.
- Educational Accountability identify students who meet the following criteria
- Score in the 80th percentile or above on the KG spring MAP reading and math assessment
- Score in the 80th percentile or above on the Grade 1 fall MAP reading and math assessment
- Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) will be administered to the identified students.
Universal Screener (Fifth Grade)
A universal screening process will be conducted at the fifth grade level.
- Educational Accountability identify students who meet the following criteria
- Score advanced in reading or math on the 4th grade Forward assessment
- Score in the 95th percentile or above on the Grade 5 fall MAP reading and math assessment
- Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) will be administered to the identified students.